Friday, November 29, 2019

The accuracy of joule meter Essay Example

The accuracy of joule meter Paper Aim: To investigate how the efficiency of an electric motor varies when it is lifting different weights. Summary: I have investigated how the efficiency of an electric motor varies when it is lifting different weights. I found that the efficiency of my motor (using an input voltage of 4v) was maximum when it was lifting 500-800g weights. I also found that the efficiency of the motor depended on its internal resistance and friction. I also used my results to estimate the internal resistance of the motor and I found it was about 0. 5? In my extension experiment I used the electric motor as a generator. I dropped a variety of weights from my pulley system and I measured the amount of energy produced using a joule meter. I found that the efficiency of the generator increased as the mass of the weight I dropped increased. The percentage efficiency of the generator also appeared to tend towards 14%. Finally I discussed whether my experiment was time reversible. I decided that it was to an extent but not completely. I decided this since I only retrieved about 1-2% of the energy I used to lift the weight when I dropped the weight again, using the motor as a generator. We will write a custom essay sample on The accuracy of joule meter specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The accuracy of joule meter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The accuracy of joule meter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Experiment 1: See Diagram1 for Apparatus and circuit diagram Experimental Method: I will use a 12v electric motor to lift a variety of weights a fixed height and I will measure the voltage and current in the motor coils. I will also measure the time taken to lift the masses. How will I make my experiment accurate? 1. In my experiments I will keep all variables constant except the one I am investigating. I will vary the mass of the load but I will keep the input voltage to the motor and field coils constant and I will lift the load to the same height each time. 2. I will repeat each measurement in till I am satisfied that it is accurate and then I will use an average when I am analysing my results. I will also take a wide range of results to ensure I get a complete picture. 3. I will do a trial experiment to decide on appropriate values for the voltage in the motor and field coils. I will also need to decide on appropriate range of masses to test. I want the voltage in the motor coils to be large enough so that I can measure the current/voltage in the motor coils accurately with a 1-10 V/A meter however I want the motor to be able to lift a wide range of masses at this voltage. Acknowledged Errors: 1. Friction in the pulley will reduce the efficiency of the motor . The pulleys are needed to reduce the torque the motor requires to lift the weights. By reducing the torque the motor can lift a wider range of weights. I have tried to reduce the friction in the pulleys by oiling them. 2. The radius of the cotton reel used to wind the string around the motor shaft increases as more string is wrapped round it. As a consequence the torque on the motor is increased. This error is unavoidable and I will attempt to correct for it by using an average value for the radius in my calculations. 3. The internal resistance of the power supply and the ammeter used in my experiment will affect the voltage across the motor. For this reason I will directly measure the voltage across the motor and I will not simply use the E. m. f of the power supply in my calculations. 4. The bottom pulley contributes to the weight of the load. It weighs 104. 8 grams (error +/-0. 1g) My results: Experiment1: Field coils voltage=9. 88V, Motor Coil input voltage (as show on power pack)=4V, the height the mass was lifted=1. 025 m (% error=0. 9), g=9. 8(Estimated error=1%) I repeated each reading in till I got reliable results the value given in the table is the average value I recorded. Mass (including pulley) in grams Average Voltage (V) Average Current (A) Average time taken to lift mass I. 025m Estimated Error=+/- 1% Estimated Error==+/- 0. 05V Estimated Error=+/-0. 05A Estimated Error==/-Â  Experiment 2: Although the voltage and current remained roughly constant while I was lifting the weights at a steady speed, they varied by as much as . 3V/A. This variation was due factors such as the varying friction of the pulley system and it made taking accurate results difficult. In my second experiment I am going to use a joule meter to measure the amount of energy given to the motor. The joule meter will take in account the fluctuations in voltage/current that I observed and therefore it should give more accurate results. This is assuming that the joule meter is accurate. See Diagram 2 for circuit diagram Experimental Method: I will attach different masses to the pulley and I will measure how high they are lifted if 20J of electrical energy is given to the motor-As soon as the joule meter reads 20J I will stop the weight and measure the distance it has moved. I have chosen this method since the joule meter I am using can only measure the number of joules received to the nearest 10J. In my experiments I was only using about 30-70 Joules and therefore the error in my results could be as high 33%. However using the joule meter I can accurately tell when exactly 20J of energy has been used, and then I can then use the ruler to measure the height of the weight to the nearest millimetre. Using this method and assuming that the joule meter is accurate, I estimate the experimental error to be about 2-3%. My results: Motor coil voltage (as shown)=4V, Field Voltage=9. 80 Mass (g) (inc pulley) Voltage (V) Height Lifted (Cm) Height lifted Exp2 (Cm) Average Height Lifted(Cm) Average Time taken to lift weight (s) Estimated Error=+/- 1% Estimated Error==+/- 0. 1V Estimated Error =+/-0. 5cm Estimated Error =+/-0. 5cm Estimated Error =+/-0.5cm Estimated Error=Testing the accuracy of the joule meter Before I analyse the results from my experiment I will test the accuracy of joule meter. See Diagram 3: For Diagram of Apparatus used Experimental Method: I will supply the joule meter with a constant voltage and I will time how long it takes to record energy of 10J. From this information I will be able to compare the energy I put in to the joule meter and the energy it recorded and I will be able to draw a calibration curve. My Results: Load=10. 3? Voltage (V) I would have repeated my results for this experiment if I had more time Analysing the results of the calibration experiment: Voltage (V) Time for 10J (s) Power in (watts) Power recorded (W) Joules in Joules recorded % Error Voltage squared 1. This is how I calculated the above values: Power in= V2/R R=10. 3? Power recorded=10J/Time taken Joules in=(Power in) (time taken for 10J) % Error=100(Joules recorded-Joules in)/Joules in Is the power recorded equal to? If the joule meter is accurate the power it records will be equal to . To test this I have plotted the power recorded against the voltage I recorded squared.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Human Rights Law amp; Business Essay

Human Rights Law amp; Business Essay Human Rights Law Business Essay Essay Writing and Samples The following free essay sample is posted here with the hope to give you some ideas on essay writing. You may also take a look at academic tips on research paper topic ideas, term paper format, narrative essay writing and management coursework writing in our blog. Human Rights Law BusinessIt has become evident in recent years that human rights violations occur not only from states, but also from various other actors such as transnational corporations (TNCs) (Habegger Roland 2). TNCs play an important role in global economy and can use their economic capability to achieve political objectives (Habegger Roland 2). Consequently, some TNCs may misuse their influence to the extent of violating human rights in various forms (Habegger Roland 2). To avoid this, there have been various efforts, such as United Nations conventions, by the international community to make TNCs and other businesses promote and protect human rights. To evaluate the effective enforceability of those conventions, it is essential to focus on the human rights issues that the conventions look after, and their strengths and weaknesses of in doing so. The number of initiatives and standards that are meant for corporate social responsibility has increased over the years (Report 4). They include international instruments such as treaties and declarations; nationally based standards such as constitutional provisions and national laws; certification schemes such as the Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production (WRAP); and voluntary initiatives that are adopted by businesses on a voluntary basis (Report 4). However, most of these initiatives except for some national standards are non-binding on companies, as they do not have any legal authority to regulate companies (Report 9). Moreover, nationally based standards may not often control the extraterritorial acts of TNCs (Business Human Rights 8). International laws can regulate corporations with regards to human rights issues in two ways, namely indirect and direct (Beyond Voluntarism 1). In contrast to various laws pertaining to companies, such as personal jury law, criminal law, company law and consumer law, International human rights law provides a universal benchmark to objectively measure the behaviour of companies (Beyond Voluntarism 3). Indirect form requires states to observe that companies respect human rights and that failure to do so result in legal consequences, whereas direct form imposes direct obligations on companies (Beyond Voluntarism 3). Accordingly, various conventions, which are listed below, serve in observing the compliance of TNCs with human rights issues.International Covenant on the Elimination of All Forms of RacialDiscrimination (ICERD 1965) (Beyond Voluntarism 22) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR1966) (Beyond Voluntarism 22) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR 1966) (Beyond Voluntarism 22)Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination againstWomen (CEDAW 1979) (Beyond Voluntarism 22)Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading (Beyond Voluntarism 22) (Beyond Voluntarism 22)Treatment or Punishment (CAT 1984) (Beyond Voluntarism 22)Convention on the Rig hts of the Child (CRC 989) (Beyond Voluntarism 22)International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All MigrantWorkers and Members of Their Families (ICPRMW 1990) (Beyond Voluntarism 22) Apart from these, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has formed many treaties to cover various rights for workers, especially concerning health and safety issues, prohibitions on forced and child labour, and the right to organize unions (Beyond Voluntarism 22). These conventions help in regulating companies with respect to various aspects of the human rights, such as non-discrimination; womens rights; life, liberty and physical integrity of the person; civic freedoms; employees rights; child labour; slavery, forced and bonded labour; economic, social and cultural rights; and voluntarism and market forces(Beyond Voluntarism 7-34). Conventions require states to regulate and adjudicate corporate activities with regard to rights capable of abuse by private parties (Background Pa per 2). However, these conventions do not often direct obligations to corporations. Instead, they focus on measures to be taken by states to control any corporate abuses with respect to human rights (Background Paper 2). Nevertheless, conventions related to most recently adopted treaties such as ICRMW and ICRPD specifically mention businesses in this regard (Background Paper 3).Different treaty bodies related to respective conventions focus more on certain types of companies and businesses than others that states need to formulate regulations to protect against abuse with respect to human rights by those companies (Background Paper 3). To be precise, states need to take necessary steps to regulate the acts of logging and property development companies in the context of resource exploitation in the lands of indigenous people (Background Paper 3). Also, focus on healthcare does not pertain only to private healthcare providers but also includes pharmaceutical and manufacturing companie s that perform activities, which may threaten food and water resources (Background Paper 3). However, they need to have adequate and appropriate focus on other sectors and companies as well (Background Paper 3).Also, conventions require that states need to have various measures to effectively regulate and adjudicate corporate activities (Background Paper 3). The measures may range from legislative measures, to prohibit abuse and proscribe certain behaviour to administrative and judicial mechanisms to effectively investigate all complaints of human rights violations by companies (Background Paper 3). However, implementation of conventions guidelines depends on states own discretion (Background Paper 3). Also, states have to provide with appropriate remedial measures in case of human rights violations (Background Paper 3). However, there is no clarity in conventions whether regulation and adjudication should direct at respective corporate entity itself or natural persons acting on beh alf of that company (Background Paper 4). Moreover, there is no clear distinction in this regard between state and non-sate owned companies (Background Paper 4). Though some treaty bodies such as CESCR mentioned about state-owned facilities, it is not clear whether these facilities are similar to state-owned corporations (Background Paper 4).Territorial factor is crucial in regulating transnational corporations, as the convention do not directly control except for requiring respective states to do so. In view of this, states may control the activities of companies outside the states national territories through a legislation called prescriptive extraterritorial jurisdiction (Background Paper 5). However, such control needs to consider various aspects such as the nationality of offenders and/or victims, territory where the company has violated human rights, and non-intervention of other states internal affairs (Background Paper 4). From the above discussion, there are certain weakne sses for conventions that prevent them from being effectively enforceable. Conventions are mostly non-binding on companies. The system only works when the potential violators of human rights prefer it to work. Also, states can follow the guidelines of those conventions on their own discretion. In the current state, conventions do not give adequate reference to all sectors and/or companies. Moreover, there is no clarity on the roles of the states in dealing with the acts of state-owned and non-state owned companies. As conventions do not directly influence and/or regulate transnational corporations, states cannot effectively regulate and adjudicate the acts of companies outside states national territories for various reasons such as trans-border limitations. Also, states may be reluctant in enforcing the spirit of conventions states when there is connivance between a state and a TNC in which the state may benefit from the failure to enforce human rights obligations (Deva 26). States may ignore human rights obligations to attract foreign investments (Deva 26). Also, some developing states may not have adequate legal and/or economic capability to enforce HR obligations (Deva 26). Furthermore, differences in legal systems among states may be another problem (Deva 26). Above all, there are no clear sanctions that are enforceable by any convention when a transnational corporation violates human rights (Deva 10). There are several examples to explain the ineffectiveness of conventions in enforcing human rights obligations. To start with, Malaysia became a signor to the UNs CRC in 1995 (qtd. in Shirali 1). After five years, the Malaysian government started to contravene the convention with the flow of foreign investments into the country (Shirali 1). Transnational companies like Nike and Reebok were allowed to exploit Malaysias children, making them work for long hours, often twelve hours a day, with scheduled bathroom breaks (Shirali 1). This is in absolute contras t with Section 1 of Article 19 of the convention that reads: State Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment, or exploitation (qtd. in Shirali 1). Thus, the above mentioned act was a clear violation of the convention. However, neither the Malaysian government nor respective transnational companies had to face economic or any other kind of sanctions (Shirali 1). It explains that the indirect approach of conventions, in which states are required to regulate transnational companies and other businesses at their own discretion, is not effective in protecting human rights. In another example of human rights violation, Banco Santander Central Hispano (SCH) is Spanish bank, which is the largest private bank in Latin America and the Caribbean (Banco Santander 1). SCH is accused as a co-responsible entity in relation to the displacement of 1.4 million local people most of who are rubber producers, nut collectors and fishermen (Banco Santander 1). Nearly 5,000 families will become landless due to the lack of any plans for their resettlement or compensation (Banco Santander 1). Also, the construction will impact the drinking water in that region, increasing the malaria cases simultaneously (Banco Santander 1). In spite of its intensive corporate responsibility drive, SCH has failed to achieve compliance with weak international laws that regulate the actions of an international bank (Banco Santander 1). The United Nations ICESCR andILO's169 Convention lack the necessary enforceability to address the grievances of respective indigenous people (Banco Santander 1). To address the issues of ineffectiveness of conventions UN has proposed some norms to protect human rights from potential violations of TNCs. Accordingly, TNCs need to be compliant with the norms and submit to monitoring by the UN and other entities on their application of the Norms (Braaten 6). Though the mechanism seems like encouraging a direct approach by making TNCs directly responsible with human rights obligations, it still lacks clarity on how to implement the mechanism and the judicial validity of it (Braaten 7). To conclude, conventions are helpful in providing guideline to states on protecting and promoting human rights with regard to transnational corporations and other businesses. However, the lack of a direct approach and other related mechanisms to treat companies as directly responsible entities makes these conventions not so effective in protecting human rights.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Analysis Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Analysis Project - Research Paper Example The company headquarters are at Irving in Texas and employs about 80,000 people (, 2012). Exxon Mobil has been marked with a higher market value than any other publicly-traded company in the world. History: Exxon Mobil Corporation is a merger of Exxon and Mobil, two great oil industry titans in the past century. The historic background of these two companies is a notable one and heads back to 19th century, when these two companies were established. Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (Exxon) and Standard Oil Companies of New Jersey (Mobil) were formed from John D. Rockfeller’s Standard Oil Trust which was started in 1870. With the increase in oil resources and implementation of various advanced techniques, they emerged as greatest oil corporations and formed individual identities for each. They indeed created a great impact to the American economy in the past century. Even after the dissolution of Standard Oil Trust in 1911, they subsisted to expand and grew in terms of their production, refining and research, making them leading companies in the oil and gas industry. Since the end of the World War 2, the company expanded its market to more than 100 countries. The companies stayed separate for nearly 87 years, until they signed a definitive agreement that the two would merge and form a new company, namely, Exxon Mobil Corporation. ... Current Operations and Projects: Exxon Mobil involves in three major operations, mainly upstream, downstream and chemicals. Being the leading oil company in the world, Exxon Mobil has faced various ups and downs in the recent decades. For instance, In February 2010, Exxon Mobil reported $310.58 billion in revenue in fiscal year 2009. In fiscal year 2008, it reported $477.35 billion in revenue. (Taque, 2010). It is estimated that though there are rises in oil prices, there will be higher downstream revenue with the increasing demand for the energy resources among the developing countries. There was a decline in liquids production of the company which was subsequently compensated by the increase of the gas production. Exxon has come up with a discovery in the Gulf of Mexico in the past year and is beginning to work over the Julia deepwater fields in the future. The company has set up establishing new explorations in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Russian Arctic area. â€Å"More explora tion is expected to happen in the U.S. with the government selling leases in the GoM and granting licenses in Alaska.† (Forbes, 2012). Its major development project includes the Kashakan project at Kazakhstan and the West Qurna field which is showing a great progress. The gas output of the company has been greatly increased by the shale exploration in U.S. â€Å"Exxon is also a partner in the $15.7 billion Papua New Guinea LNG project in Australia†. (Forbes, 2012). With its ongoing projects at Iraq, Kazakhstan and LNG projects in Australia, the company’s output volume will favorably increase with its production. Exxon Mobil is currently conducting test runs at its new

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Law (David adamson Case) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Law (David adamson ) - Case Study Example The defendant’s website offered sufficient quantity of contact which implies that it was interested in conducting business in Idaho. The defendant willingly participated in a business deal which culminated into a purchase of its product by minors. Thus, it is reasonable to argue that the â€Å"Makers Mark, Kentucky Bourbon† had sufficient contact to create a business relationship. The second aspect is whether the transfer of the case would uphold the notions of fair play and substantial justice as laid forth in the Intl Shoe Co. v. Wash case. Incidentally, â€Å"Makers Mark, Kentucky Bourbon† engaged in a business relationship that had potential legal implications. It is therefore fair play for the case to be conducted in Idaho since it is the location where the dispute occurred. The delivery of justice in this case would not be compromised since the defendant was already doing business in Idaho and it is therefore reasonable for them to settle a legal dispute in Idaho. In determining the case law to be applied, the court should take account of the place where the alleged dispute occurred. The dispute occurred in Idaho and this implies that the case should be heard in Idaho. The second aspect in choosing the case law is the evaluation of the relevant policies underlying the field of law and justified expectations. According to Bertram v. Norden, it is necessary for the state to have the necessary legal framework to handle the case and the expectations of the aggrieved parties must be addressed. Idaho as the legal framework to handle the case and both parties should reasonably expect the dispute to be resolved at the place of business. The domicile and the place of business relationship of the parties are also important in determining the case law to be applied. In this case, the domicile of the aggrieved parties is different and the place of business relationship is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Managing Organisational Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Managing Organisational Strategy - Essay Example According to the paper findings  the family business of Bettys and Taylors is based on the set of several values. All these values are quite clear for the employees of the firm as well from their first day at work. All the practices that are observed in the company are highly qualitative maintaining the standard of the brand and the family name behind the management of the company.As the discussion highlights most of the African makers are prone to observe huge creation development because tea hedges achieve ideal preparation age, and processing aptitudes of little producers make strides. For instance, the generation in Kenya is said to be developed by 2.3 percent on yearly basis from the amount of 236,300 tons to 304,000 tons. This period of development was estimated from 2000 to 2010. On the other hand the rate of development in Tanzania and Uganda are estimated to be 1.7 percent and 2.7 percent respectively. One of the most significant teas sending out nations in the region of A sia should better encounter minor decreases in fares that should also be in accordance with the usual developments in wage and populace that might cultivate down home utilization. For instance, we can observe the case of Indian and Indonesia that it might diminish by the rate of 2.4 percent to 150 890 tons and also some studies reveals the figures of 1.1 percent to 87 000 tons, separately.  Bettys and Taylors don't simply deal with their staff but they take care of suppliers as well.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Abolition Of Prostitution In Malaysia

The Abolition Of Prostitution In Malaysia Last year I spent a lot of time working for the charity entitled The Hope House. This charitable organizations objective is to educate the children that are born into the brothels. The organization intends to build a place where these children can be provided with training in several artistic areas such as: photography, dance, painting etc- which I intend to teach at when I achieve my degree. There is a documentary on this subject matter Born Into Brothels, directed by Zana Briski, Ross Kauffman , which brutally displays what these children endure throughout their childhood. One of the little boys featured in the documentary now attends NYU for photography, which is unheard of by the people in the brothels of Cambodia; Avijit is now one of my closest friends. The involvement I have in this organization sparked my interest to look further into the brothels and examine the different theories of how to essentially stop the red light district. A brothel can be defined as a house where men visit prostitutes ( OED 2. a). A brothel is an institution that enforces the trafficking of women by providing a place where the prostitution can occur. A brothel itself is the actual house where the prostitutes, in most cases, live, and where the prostitutes take their customers(OED 2. a). Throughout my paper I will thoroughly examine the different areas of social, political and economic factors contributing to the continuation and/or abolition of the red light district and the brothels. The economic factors I will discuss in my paper is based on money, and economic stability, the political factors which include the laws and regulations implemented that influence the sex trade, and the social factors which is the Monaghan 3 demand for prostitution- or the consumers of the sex trade. I will thoroughly depict how the economic factors are essentially the ultimate cause of the brothel industry of these three important key factors, and that if the women in prostitution are given economic stability, the brothels would be essentially eliminated as well. It is hard to examine only one particular country in relation to the sex trade because it is a global phenomenon. The sex industry as a whole needs to be considered and analyzed if an individual is trying to decipher the underlying contributor to the red light district, but in the sole purpose of examination and to take a closer look at the problems imbedded in the vicious cycle of prostitution, my paper will focus solely on the brothels of Malaysia. My paper will examine factors that enforce prostitution and therefore will identify the ultimate cause, which in turn will illustrate how to eliminate the sex trade. There are several reasons as to why women enter the prostitution industry, or the brothels. These reasons can range from almost anything and in turn can force a women to result in selling their bodies for money, economic stability. The economic reasons I am referring to in my paper consist of anything concerning money and poverty, social reasons consist of the demand and want for prostitution from the consumers, and the political reasons I am referring to is anything concerning laws for or against prostitution; as discussed above. Throughout this paper it is apparent that the economic factors are the underlying cause of the red light district and will be exploited throughout the history of Malaysia. Monaghan 4 When a woman has sex for money it is dangerous to an individuals health and considered a criminal offense in most countries (100 Countries and Their Prostitution Policies. 2010). It is dangerous especially because of STI`s and long term diseases that not only the women have to live with but the customers themselves. According to Ramachandran and Ngeow (2010) more than three quarters of women, associated with prostitution in brothels, suffer from some type of sexually transmited infection. The only reason a woman would exploit themselves and risk their health is because of their need to survive and provide for themselves (Ngeow 2010). Therefore if there were available jobs that would ensure security, they would certainly never voluntarily enter the sex trade. If these women were economically stable , then they would never enter this health threatening trade, which is apparent in the remainder of my paper. I will first examine ideal causes and factors of prostitution by scholars, and t hen examine prostitution more closely by exploiting the sex trade in Malaysia. Malaysia is a third world country and this will further prove my point that women do this for the sole purpose of money and survival, because third world countries are not economically stable. The economic factors that play an important role, primarily in the prostitution industry, is the lack of support and necessities to survive. An individual needs a certain amount of income to provide for their family and when they do not have this income, a woman can sometimes result in surrendering themselves to prostitution. In the article Sexual Trafficking in Women: International Political Economy and the Politics of Sex written by the scholar Andrea Bertone, the idea of economic factors, issues with money Monaghan 5 and debt, being the cause of prostitution is brought to attention. She explores the reasons why women enter the industry, which mainly are caused by lack of money and support for families, as stated above, and how this forces them into the sex trade. Aside from being physically forced into the industry, because some families do force their daughters into it, the only reason and girl or woman, according to Andrea Bertone, would willingly join the industry would be because of survival and economic stability (Bertone 2010). Brothel owners use this against these vulnerable women and tell them that there is a lot of money to be made overseas or in the sex trade, Bertone also states, and they therefore turn away from their families, and move over seas. In most cases, their families never hear from them again. When the brothel owners state that there is a lot of money to be made over seas, and these vulnerable woman leave their families, this illustrates how desperate these women are for ec onomic stability. They will travel many times in inhumane conditions and in unsafe vessels.(Bertone 2010) which shows how determined they are to find some type of economic stability. Bertone also states that one of the main reasons women choose, or are persuaded by others, to leave their country of origin and migrate is economic (2010). This quotation clearly states that the economic factors are the reason in which women travel across the world for prostitution. These women want economic stability and will do almost anything to achieve that. Bertone also states that the women that are vulnerable and targeted in the prostitution industry specifically, the supply sidethe women of the third world, the poor states (2010). This also further suggests that the only reason a women enters the Monaghan 6 sex trade is for survival and for some type of security. The poor states and the women with less money that need to resort to the sex trade are the women that enter it. The third world countries do not have enough resources or money to support these women (International labour office. 1998), so they therefore resort to prostitution. Therefore if poverty was eliminated, in places such as Malaysia, the sex trade would go down sufficiently and would slowly head towards abolition. Malaysia is a good example of how to eliminate prostitution and the brothels as it is an unsafe and very risky trade. The political aspect of the sex trade, the laws and regulations of prostitution, is explored throughout the article Female Sex Work as Deviance by Ronald Weitzer and in Malaysia specifically the article 100 Countries and Their Prostitution Policies. In this article 100 Countries and Their Prostitution Policies it illustrates the definite laws that Malaysia has against and for prostitution. There is some legalization of prostitution, in Malaysia, but the brothels and pimps are illegal. Interestingly enough the sex trade has gone up in Malaysia the past couple years. Even though brothels are illegal there, there are still many regulated institutions. This contradicts with many North Americans beliefs as the majority of Americans see both prostitution and pornography as immoral; three-quarters believe that we need stricter laws to control pornography; and a substantial number want prostitution to remain illegal (Weitzer 2007). This North American Theory is proved to be false in the case of Malaysia because as the policies and laws against prostitution increase, the more prostitution occurs. Throughout Malaysias history, it is evident that these North American theories do not help the abolition of the Monaghan 7 sex trade. As illustrated in the article 100 Countries and Their Prostitution Policies by implementing laws and regulations it most definitely will not help lower the prostitution rates. In the article Female Sex Work as Deviance Weitzer illustrates also how the more policies that are implemented the more sex work there is, Over the past three decades some cities and suburbs have indeed banned or restricted massage parlors, strip clubs, and X-rated video stores (2007). In European and poorer countries, such as Malaysia, the prostitution has had an up rise over the past couple of years (Weitzer 2007). This also illustrates the apparent fact that when policies and regulation on the sex trade are implemented, it just makes prostitution more desirable and valuable. Therefore by implementing policies and influencing the abolition of prostitution through government laws, it does more harm then good, this is clearly not the way in eliminating prostitution and brothel houses. The social factors, that I am focusing on, of the sex industry are the consumers desires. Male desires for sexual wants and needs are not hidden in this trade and can also be considered as a driving factor of prostitution. This is explored throughout Kamala Kempadoo`s Prostitution and Sex Work Studies and The Sex sector: The economic and Social bases of prostitution in Southeast Asia. Prostitution, it was claimed, would never completely disappear, since the vicious instincts to which it corresponds are, unfortunately, inborn in the human species (Kempadoo 2004). Kempadoo illuminates that the sex trade, prostitution, cannot completely disappear unless the want for it disappears, because the want is inborn in the human species. It is true that without Monaghan 8 consumers there would not be an industry in the sex trade as the international labour force analyzes that The sector responds to the changing tastes and sophistication of customers(International labour office 1998). These two articles ultimately illuminate the idea that the consumers control the sex trade and change it to what they want, and that they are the sole purpose for the changes and uprising of the brothels and prostitution. There is a huge difference between the roles that women play in the sex trade and the role that men play in the sex trade, Promiscuous sexual activity was deemed a male right, whereas women were condemned for similar behaviour (Kempadoo 2004). Men have the overall power in this area, according to Kempadoo, but It is not apparent that it is the most important contributing factor to prostitution, although it is apparent they have some contributing factor to the brothels and sex trade. A mans desire, according to Kempadoo, is imbedded in nature and cannot b e changed. So there will always be men who have unfulfilled sexual desires and have a want and need for this fulfillment, but if this desire will never go away, then this is surely not how to abolish the brothels. This is not the way to solve the problem of prostitution, it is the suppliers that must be focused on, not the consumers, or the social factors. This leads us back to the economic factors, which have proven to be the most influential factor in the prostitution sector. If women had economic stability there would be no need or urge pushing them towards the sex trade, therefore this would lower the prostitution rate. The brothels and sex trade are clearly linked to political, social and economic factors, but if a woman had a choice to avoid the brothels awful conditions and health Monaghan 9 risks they would. The political aspects of prostitution such as the laws and restrictions that are posed on prostitution, as demonstrates in Malaysia, are proven to not be a sufficient way of eliminated prostitution, the sex trade, and the brothels. Implementing laws works against the initial idea, and although the intentions are positive, there are many negative outcomes. The North American idea of forcing prostitution to stop by forceful laws, as shown in Malaysia would only result in a failure. The social demands of prostitution are high, but if there were not suppliers then essentially there would be no prostitution. To stop sex work from happening, it is hopeless to try and stop the demand, because as Kempadoo stated, it is natural, and is imbedded in our human nature. I do agree with this. Although the social factors are a huge factor on changing the sex trade, these factors cannot be focused upon when trying to eliminate them. It is essentially the supplies that need to be foc used on. In conclusion of this paper, the economic reasons are essential in the abolition of prostitution. The reason behind why women enter it in the first place is because of economic needs and survival, even though it is a risk to their health. If these women were supplied with economic stability then the brothels and the sex trade would slowly disappear. Even though the political and social factors are important when considering the overall aspects of prostitution and the brothels, the economic factors are the main components in exterminating prostitution.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Success of Tylenol Essay -- BTEC Business Marketing GCSE Coursewor

The Success of Tylenol During the 1900's, the McNeil company developed and established Tylenol into a well known and recommended analgesic. It has become recognized world wide as a safe brand of acetaminophen. The name Tylenol has become identified as a trusted, safe drug that people can easily purchase over the counter for their ailments. Tylenol is still recommended by doctors even though there was a cyanide scare in the history of the company. It has been discovered by my independent survey that consumers use Tylenol for their pet's needs also. Through the many years that Tylenol has been on the market, it has been a highly recommended analgesic by doctors. Reports show that doctors recommend Tylenol for headaches three times more than Advil, five times more than Excedrin, and seven times more than Aleve( Tylenol is also one of the mostly used analgesics by hospitals. Some of the reasons it is recommended so highly is because it is gentle on the stomach and is less likely to react with other medications. This would enable people with hypertension and gastrointestinal ulcers to use this medication. Arthritis experts also recommend Tylenol for osteoarthritic patients due to its wide margin of safety. The Tylenol Elixir product also has a proven record of safety and recommendation by doctors when used according to the correct dosage. These products ushered the McNeil company into a world wide company with well known products liked by the consumer. In a independent survey by myself, I found that seventy- nine percent of the people said they used Tylenol products. The recommendation by doctors of the safe product helped to establish the Tylenol products as being trustworthy and reliable fo... ... etc. As consumers in the 1990's and into the twenty-first century, the baby boomer generation loves to play hard and enjoy life, but with this hard play it sometimes brings about pain where they increasingly reach for Tylenol to give them comfort. Works Cited Fannin, Rebecca. Diary of Amazing Comeback. Marketing & Media Decisions. New York: Spring 1983. Guzzardi, Walter. Laurels: The National Business Hall Of Fame. Fortune. 12 March 90. Plunkett, Signe. Emergency Procedures For the Small Animal Veterinarian. 1993. p 117-119. Sherding, Robert G. The Cat Diseases and Clinical Management. 2nd Edition. Vol. 1. 1994. p 30-31, 233. Teague, Kerri. Independent Survey of Classmates. 23 May 2000. Tylenol Web site. 11 Apr 2000. . Wilson, Karen Ann. Analgesics Can Be Pain For Pets. St. Petersburg Times. 16 Oct. 1993.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Compare the Love Language Used in ‘Quickdraw’ Essay

Quickdraw is a poem about the end and break down of a relationship. Specifically an argument between the speaker and their other half and the feelings felt by the speaker in the poem. It has many similarities and differences with In Paris with You a poem about a very negative relationship with the speaker who is desperately in love with someone who is just using them. The poem uses a play on words and anytime the words Paris and love are mentioned you have to switch them, so Paris means love and love means Paris. These poems have similarities and difference and these can be explored through language techniques and key themes. Both Quickdraw and In Paris with You explore negative sides to a relationship. In Quickdraw the negative side is the pain of the break up at the ending of the relationship â€Å"hear me groan You’ve wounded me† this shows the pain the speaker is going through during the breakdown and end of their relationship. In In Paris with you they explore a different side of a negative relationship, the love the speaker feels for someone and the way they are being used by that person â€Å"Yes I’m angry at the way I’ve been bamboozled†¦ I’m in Paris with you† this shows that although the speaker is angry at being used, she is still in love with them (I’m in Paris†¦ = I’m in love†¦ ). In In Paris with You the speaker expresses their love for the other person â€Å"I’m in Paris with You† (meaning â€Å"I’m in love with You) is repeated throughout the poem. But they also have differences such as, some other aspects of their structure, some of the themes of the poems. In Paris with You and Quickdraw both explore negative relationships, a relationship between a person absolutely besotted over someone who is using them and doesn’t feel anything back for them or the argumentative end to a relationship where both of them are hurling insults at the other and breaking u their relationship.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Biggest Archipelago In The Earth Environmental Sciences Essay

The Philippines is besides known as the democracy of the Philippines. It is fundamentally a south Asian state. It is an island located in the western Pacific ocean. The capital of Philippine is manila. The Philippines is fundamentally divided in to three parts geographically, viz. , Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. With all this islands combined the state ‘s coastline is 5th largest in the universe. It covers 36,289 kilometer. It is considered as largest Catholic state of Asia. Harmonizing to 2009, Philippines is 12th populated state about 92 million citizens. in history the Philippines have been an indispensable center for concern for its ethinc minority. In twenty-first century, the state is member in some planetary trade organisation include the APEC, ASEAN and WTO. The Philippine have opened their economic system to foreign market since 1980s. it besides set up a system of free of charge trade understanding with several state. The united provinces is one of the most trading spouse of the Philippines harmonizing to US section of commercialism, the trade between Philippine and US amounts US $ 15.4 billion in 2010. United States is besides largest investors of Philippines. The foreign direct investing was close to US $ 6 billion at the terminal of 2009. Under the new Aquino direction, the authorities programs to open more foreign investings in industries like touristry, excavation, concern processing operation.Philippines GeographyThe Philippines is the biggest archipelago in the Earth that is found in the south-eastern seashore of the Asia mainland. Philippines is bounded by H2O in which in the E by the Pacific sea, on the South by the Celebes Sea, and on the West and north by the South China Sea. The state consists of 7,107 island and islets. Merely 2000 of these islands are reserved. The populated and cragged islands are grouped into three: Luzon, the biggest island group, covers 141,395 square kilometres ; Visayas, 56,606 square kilometres ; and Mindanao, 102,000 square kilometres. Other chief islands are Samar, Negros, Palawan, Panay, Mindoro, Leyte, Cebu, Bohol and Masbate.The Philipine Archipelago is alienated into 15 parts. These parts are separated into state, and the state into metropoliss and municipality, and these into barangays. Barangay is the smallest political unit in the Philippines. The Philippines is a alone mixture of varied topography. Luzon and Mindanao is renowned by narrow vales, alluvial fields. turn overing hills and high mountains. The highest mountain are found in the larger islands which are Luzon and Mindanao that the mountain scopes are running north to south. The height of the mountains vary from 1,790 to 3,144 metres. These mountain scope are the natural barriers of the state. This saddle horse rang is the sierra Madre, the Cordillera, and the Cotabato scopes. The 4 major Lowlandss are set up in Eastern Cordillera, Central field of Luzon, Agusan every bit good as Zambales. The lesser islands of the Philippines are cragged in the inside and environment by narrow strips of discontinuous level Lowlandss which constitute the coastal rims. There are about 221 vents, 21 of which are active. Filipino has the finest havens in Southeast Asia the Manila Bay that has an country of 1,970 square kg metres and coastline of 192 kilo metres. Philippines has an estimated coastline of 18,411 kilo metres. There island of the Philippines has beautiful coral reefs which attracts tourer from all over the universe.APhilippines besides has a volcanic landscape for the ground that it sits in the unsteady pacifying â€Å" Ring of Fire † . Philippines had experience minor natural catastrophes in the past. Two mojor volcanic eruption that struck the state are from Mt. Pinatubo and Mt. Mayon Volcano. The roseola killed 100s and displaced thousand of people. Homes and footing of life were damaged that left non anything to the people.Philippines – TopographyThere are no major semisynthetic constructions impacting the geographics of the Philippines. The landscape is extremely assorted, with volcanic mountain multitudes organizing the nucleus of most of the large island. A Numberss of vents are dynamic, and the island has been capable to constructive temblor. Lowland are usually narrow coastal strips except for larger fields in Luzon ( Cagayan Valley and Central Plains ) , Mindanao ( Cotabato and Davao-Agusan vales ) , and others in Negros and Panay. River ‘s are little and normally seasonal in flow. Important 1s are the Cagayan, Agno, Abra, Bicol, and Pampanga in Luzon and the Cotabato and Agusan in Mindanao. Flooding is a frequent jeopardy. The shore of many of the island are embayed ( Manila Bay is one of the finest seaports in East Asia ) ; nevertheless, more than a few islands lack deficient seaport and demand offshore lightering for sea transit. The lone two inland H2O organic structures of undistinguished size are Laguna de Bay in Luzon and Lake Sultan Alonto in Mindanao.The major towns & A ; metropoliss of PhilippinesTopographic point Administrative Division Bacolod WesternA Visayas Cagayan NorthernA Mindanao Cebu CentralA Visayas Davao SouthernA Mindanao Manila NationalA CapitalA RegionClimate in the PhilippinesThe Philippines has a nautical temperate type of conditions conditions and has two distinct season raining and dry season. The high temperature mean scope from 23A ° to 32A ° Celsius ( 73A ° to 90A ° F ) in the uncomplete archipelago all through the twelvemonth. The waterlessness varies from 75 % to 85 % depending on the clip of the twelvemonth. The dry season is from November to April and the Wet season is from May to October. In Baguio ( The summer Capital of the Philippines ) , temperature norms 18.3A °C. The season differ throughout the islands because of the varying exposures to the two major air current belt, monsoon or nor'-east trades ( winter ) and southwest monsoon ( summer ) . Since of these air currents belt that have an consequence on our clime, the E seashore receive insignificant winter rainfall and the West coasts undistinguished summer rainfall. Rainfall steps from 5,000 millimeters in the cragged E seashore subdivision of the state, but less than 1,000 millimeters in some of the sheltered vale in the uncomplete twelvemonth. The Philippine archipelago is situated besides in the typhoon belt. That is why Philippines is hit by few typhoon and storm concluding in the month of July all the manner through October but sometimes it widen to December. The topographic points that the typhoon struck are the Northern and Eastern Luzon and the Bicol and Eastern Visayas Region. The strong point of the typhoon be different each twelvemonth. An norm of 25 typhoons visits the Philippines each year.A Not merely typhoon, Philippines is besides hit by copiousness called the El Nino. This happen from the dry period and expand to the moisture season. There is no rainfall in a long clip.Climate ChangeDry seasonDecember to June, 7 months are the dry season of Philippines. In this period trade air currents blows from north-east which by and large are dry. If it does rains in this dry season so it feels like afternoon shower to chill you down. This rain will non traveling to impact you more than that.In this dry season of Philippines, you will happen two differences. You will happen cool and dry conditions during the December to February. In Philippines the coolest month is January in the twelvemonth. Coolest means temperature around 25 grades Celsius, which is quite nice. We will happen hot and dry conditions in months of March to june. May is the hottest month of the twelvemonth. We can anticipate temperature more than 30 and low 40 grades.Rainy or moisture seasonAfter the heat of may and june, the season will interrupt in July. The period of July to November it rains. These rains calls monsoon. And this changeless winds brings rain. During the monsoon, the Philippines clime attracts typhoons which beat the aggressive eastern coastline of Luzon, samar, Leyte but about ne'er Mindanao. The typhoons blows from the way of the western Pacific in a north-western. In 2011, Philippines counted less typhoons per twelvemonth. But this clip they were more peaceable and made landfall more in the North.Natural Catastrophes:The Philippines is uneven to natural catastrophe, peculiarly typhoons, inundations, landslides, volcanic eruptions, temblor, and tsunamis, lying as it does across the typhoon belt, in the active volcanic part known as the â€Å" Pacific Ring of Fire, † and in the unnaturally imbalanced part between the aggressive and Eurasiatic tectonic home bases. The Philippines besides suffer major human-caused environmental debasement angry by a high one-year people growing rate, include loss of agricultural lands, deforestation, dirt abrasion, air and H2O pollution, unacceptable discarding of difficult and toxicant waste, loss of coral reefs, misconduct and maltreatment of coastal assets, and overfishing.The HazardscapeThe Philippine archipelago due to its location and natural properties is horizontal to natural jeopardies. It is situated in the Pacific Ring of Fire where two major tectonic home bases of the universe, i.e. the Pacific Plate and the Eurasiatic home base, the happening of temblors and tsunamis, and being of 220 vents of which 22 are classified as active because their eruptions have been found in historical records. It is located along the typhoon belt on the Western North Pacific Basin where 66 per centum of tropical cyclones enter or arise. Typhoons mean 20 events per twelvemonth ; five to seven of which can be instead destructive. Average one-year rainfall in the state varies from 965 millimeters to 4,064 millimeter. inordinate rainfall events activate landslides and lahar flows and are responsible for terrible and perennial inundation in low lying countries. steaming cyclones are accountable for an normal of 40 % of the one-year rainfall in the state. Decelerate moving or about inactive steaming cyclones study for extended periods of rainfall. Natural jeopardy are portion of the Philippine environment, but catastrophe happen because human being colony, substructure, people and their pecuniary actions are located where jeopardies occur. Costss of catastrophe impact are borne by authorities and single families, therefore endangering socio-economic expansion additions. Other menaces that warrant attending are complex exigency that are mostly semisynthetic, frequently with associated with armed struggle Natural Resources: A The major natural mineral income contain coal, Co, Cu, gold, gypsum, Fe, natural gas, nickel, fuel, salt, Ag, and S. There are lesser sedimentation of bauxite, quicksilver, and Zn. Other necessary capital are geothermic and hydroelectric power, fish, and lumber.Agribusinessscheme for farming in the Philippines comprise doing the universe ‘s largest rice client, which presently import the basic, self-sufficing. Multi-million dollar irrigation undertakings are presently underway to assist accomplish this end, while a National Irrigation Administration is seeking to learn husbandmans sustainable irrigation techniques. The authorities is besides forcing husbandmans to follow more commercial attacks to their concerns, organizing co-ops and specializing in high-value subsectors like organics. Finally, the sugar cane industry, face the chance of the sugar market place being flooded with inexpensive import when ASEAN liberalization boots in, is looking toward value-added green goodss like bio ethyl alcohol.harvest turning and workssagriculture, including piscary and forestry, plays a of import function in the Filipino market. At present, it provide employ to about 9.6 million Filipino who make up one semi of the entire work force. farming continue to account for the majority of entire service. The agrarian country registry a optimistic addition rate balance to other fabrication and fix. The export of farming merchandise carry on to travel up peculiarly now that wide assortment of undeveloped manufactured goods like veggies, fruits, and cosmetic harvests are dining in abroad trade. The established cropn exported by the Philippines are honey, coconut oil, banana, Ananas comosus in sirup, copra bar or repast, Mangifera indica, and other veggie. The Philippine has a broad assortment of flora from forestry to agricultural works life. The chief cardinal harvests grow in the Philippines are cereal, chief harvests ( Banana, coconut, Ananas comosus, sugar cane, java, Mangifera indica, baccy, Manila hemp, gum elastic, chocolate tree manioc, camote, peanut, onion, garlic, tomato, aubergine, chou and citrous fruit. ) and other harvest such as fibercrops, rootcrops, tubers, spices, fruits, bearing veggies, leafy/stem vegetable, other leguminous plants and other fruits.The Philippine veggie industryVegetable is a large and diverse merchandise in the Philippines. assortment of these workss can be set up in the state. This are educated intensively in concern farms and garden Plant. parts use as vegetable include anything from whole foliages, fruits, flower root, root tubers ( yam bean, murphy, sweet murphy ) and seeds storage roots and bulb ( onion, garlic and shallot ) . The most normally grown-up vegetable in moorland is white murphy, chou sweet Piper nigrum, Brassica oleracea italica, Brassica oleracea botrytis, boodle and tomato. For Lowlandss, vegetable such as solanaceous, cucurbits, roots, and leguminous plants.introduceFilipino import of both procedure and fresh veggie merchandises are lifting in last 3 old ages peculiarly on onion and Allium sativum. besides, institutional market are trusting on imports for there supply which is a job endangering the states vegetable industry. Bulk of the imports or 62 % are process vegetable merchandise of onion, garlic, tomato ( tomato paste ) and mushroom. The staying 38 % are imported as fresh like melons, Allium sativum, Brassica oleracea botrytis, Brassica oleracea italica, Apium graveolens dulce and others.ExportsState ‘s export depends on lone few harvest ( fresh or chilled ) 43 % of this are from Asparagus officinales, 28 % from shallots, 9 % on onion and the residuary 20 % are dispersed to other vegetable harvests.The Filipino Plantation Crops IndustryThe agricultural estate harvests industry is a turning fabrication in the Philippines. This is conveying approximately by the assortment of utilizations obtain from these harvests. Among the agriculture land harvests educated in the Philippines are coconut, rubber, chocolate tree, sugar cane, indispensable oils, and Manila hemp.Medicative Plants ProgramThere are about 15,000 species of works in the state. A figure of this species are curative vegetations and herb with distinguishable medicative value known for their healing belongingss. These workss are good beginnings of pharmacological ingredients able of bring arounding adult male ‘s complaint. Some of the ingredients are volatile oils, rosin, alkaloid, glycoside and intoxicant.location tendencySurveies have exposed that a big measure of people in the Philippines are awake of the potencies medical values of around 7000 works assortment. The sector of Science and cognition have conduct have found out that 80 species have been pr oven to be safe and effectual.Current Development in Horticultural Crop ProductionTurning SystemEven unreal mulching is non loosely use in the Philippines ; it is non new to agriculture production. Melon and strawberry agriculturists in Luzon are the most ascertained to be utilizing the engineering including plastic screen above the works life to support it from rain as such off-season crop is achieve. One kerb of such engineering is the stuff cost concerned and the proper disposal of the usage plastics. Tunnels with net screens or secluded cultivation are another engineerings in vegetable production, However, there are private houses persons and co-ops that are engaged in green house production of cut flowers and veggies utilizing mechanised nurseries. The nurseries are to the full with this with really all right cyberspaces that would forestall the entry of insects, therefore the works do n't hold to be spray with insect powder. The harvests were watered and fertilized through trickle irrigation ( fertigation ) this is wholly computerized, including the control of temperature and humidness. Plants are grown in soils medium consist of Cocos nucifera peat and clinkers. Other usage grow bags with turning medium that is fortified with some works food. Proliferation of nursery in the state is a welcome development because this is one manner of guaranting the supply of quality farm green goods needed by the upscale market. Tissue civilization researches were being conducted geared to develop rapid extension technique. Which will supply the agriculturists good quality seting stuffs for horticultural harvest production. Climate, the most of import environmental factor traveling works growing and advancement is the mean long-run clime of a situate, determined over a period of at least 30 old ages. In contrast, A climateA is the short-run atmospheric status of a topographic point. TheA climatic factorsA includeA rainwater, A visible radiation, A temperature, comparative humidness, A airA andA air current. Any difference in one of these climatic factors can hold of import belongings on the others and accommodate the assorted physiological procedure in workss numbering photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration. The Philippines ‘ rich volcanic dirt, bright sunlight and adequate rain history for the healthy growing of 1000s of works species in the archipelago. From refering 3000 category of monolithic foliages to 1000s more species of mosses and lichens, Philippine forests comprise diverseness of works life that non one of its neighbours.For most of the population, there are 3 types of housing.AThey are:-Nipa huts.-home made of bamboo, with nipa roof. Even foreigner will populate in a nipa hut as they are cool to populate in. normally, they use coco timber for the environment, have bamboo walls, roof made from banana foliages and cookery is on an unfastened fire. Better lower status places will hold bamboo floor or else the floor will be grime. There are no glass windows.– Plywood.-Homes made of plyboard with corrugated Fe roof. normally, they will utilize coco bunch for the frame, 3 ply plyboard for the walls. 5 or 7 ply plyboard for the floor. grooved degree for the roof. windo w will often be the slat type. Most often, these are unpainted and will worsen in a few old ages because of contact to the conditions.– Hollowblock.-Homes made of cement block call hollow blocks. They are a big long pillow brick with holes from side to side the center. for the period of edifice, the hole are filled with strengthen and steel bars for reinforce.. Hollow block places come in sizes runing from individual room to several floors. Some have tiled roofs and some have corrugated Fe roofs. bathroom are frequently indoors. Smaller hollow block places will most probably have slat type Windowss. Better quality places will hold aluminium window or imagine made of wood lineation window.Philippines Earthquake-2012A strong temblor of 7.9 magnitudes work stoppage off the eastern beach of the Philippines trigger tsunami warning across Asia. The temblor struck on August 31, 2012 at 20:47 local clip.DetailssDate and Time of Earthquake – 02:48 AM HST on August 31, 2012 co-ordinate – 10.9 NORTH 127.1 EAST site – Filipino Islands country scale – 7.6 on the Richter ScaleLocation of EarthquakeThe temblor was hit at a deepness of 21.7 stat mis and was centered 66 stat mis east of Samar Island and 91 stat mis off the town of Guiuan in Samar state.ImpactThe clang was felt at metropolis of Davao, approximately 250 stat mis south of Guiuan. One place was distorted in southern Cagayan de Oro metropolis. There was no electrical energy in several Philippines towns and metropoliss.Which authorities bureau do people turn to for in sequence during natural catastrophes?For conditions updates and typhoon signal qui vives:hypertext transfer protocol: // Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration ( PAGASA ) PAGASA is an bureau under the subdivision of Science and machinery. A It provides real-time update about the conditions and typhoon qui vives. Legend of PAGASA ‘s color-coded rainwater advisories, which may be issued through Twitter, the medium and coordination with the local authorities.For more information about the color-coded warning signalHow to do sense of PAGASA ‘s colour-coded warning signals: -A hypertext transfer protocol: //Ãâ€"121.png hypertext transfer protocol: // NOAH The Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards ( NOAH ) is a plan Begin by the DOST to set in topographic point a receptive plan forA disasterA turning away and decrease, utilizing advanced information to heighten current geo-hazard susceptibleness maps..hypertext transfer protocol: //Ãâ€"121.pngFor volcanic activities, temblors, and tsunami qui vives:hypertext transfer protocol: //Ãâ€"573.pngPhilippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology ( PHIVOLCS ) PHIVOLCS is a service institute of the DOST. The organisation is tasked to extenuate catastrophe that may originate from volcanic eruptions, temblors, tsunami and other related geotectonic phenomena. Web site: A harm appraisal and amalgamate studies on authorities action:hypertext transfer protocol: // National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council ( NDRRMC ) The NDRRMC was established to follow catastrophe turning away and hazard decrease. ItA reports updates on the belongings and preparedness steps of catastrophe state of affairs such as typhoon, temblors, etc.For NCR inundation updates:hypertext transfer protocol: // Manila Development Authority ( MMDA ) Provides real-time studies on traffic and flooded countries in Metro Manila ; AIDSs in inundation control in Metro Manila.Where do people direct contributions for those affected by catastrophes?hypertext transfer protocol: //Ãâ€"524.pngDepartment of Social Welfare and Development ( DSWD ) The DSWD is the organisation in charge for the distribute societal services to the Filipino people. It spearhead authorities alleviation operation for the period of incidents of catastrophes.SWOT of Philippines: –StrengthsFailingTheir economic development strength of agricultural merchandises include rice, maize, manioc, Mangifera indicas, Ananas comosuss, coconuts, sugar cane, porc and fish. Another chief contribution to their economic strength and development are industry such as: pharmaceuticals, chemical, fuel refinement, wood merchandises, nutrient processing, garments, footwear and fishing. Fishing industry The GDP and GNP rise comparing the other state. High degrees of corruptness High poorness incidence Agribusiness suffers from low productiveness Poor province of substructuresMenacesOpportunitiesA high population growing rate Laging rural economic growing and high rural underemployment. Widening disparity between the urban and rural hapless. Persistent exclusion of hapless and marginalized people from development procedures. Small entree for hapless people to productive assets and endeavor chances. Ineffective degeneration to drive local development. Unsustainable natural resource depletion. Hospital Infrastructure Wine concern Hotel concern Tourism Exporting flowers to India. Laundry concern Perfume concern Medicines

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Henry VIII essays

Henry VIII essays Born at Greenwich on the 28th January 1491, he was the second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Henry VIII was a controversial king. Many people loved, respected, feared or hated him. This essay will investigate the evidence for and against him before deciding whether he was a good or bad king. We must remember that people had very different views to such questions back in the sixteenth century. We have a lot of evidence about Henry. Many portraits have been found of him. Some when he was young Other evidence of Henry VIII were the written documents. One example would be the SP1s, they are papers of miscellaneous public and private letters in date order. Henry loved collecting things, which is why at one point in his life he had accumulated over 50 castles and palaces. Many modern films have been made showing Henrys life. Some portray him as a loving man changing his country for the better, others portray him as a wicked money waster who had a fetish for chopping peoples heads off. Henry became King in 1509 after his eldest brother Arthur died. Henry VII left his son a country at peace, after he had fought the Battle of the Roses and won. He also left Henry a very rich treasury, as had been a King who saved most of his money and only spent what was absolutely necessary. If you look closely at the many portraits of Henry as a young man, you can see he had an exquisite taste in the latest fashion back in the renaissance. He has been described as a most handsome man, who was tall with broad shoulders, strong athletic limbs and a fair complexion which all added to his popularity with his subjects. Henry VIII enjoyed many physically challenging sports, some of his favorites were jousting and wrestling. He also had many talents one of which was his mus...

Monday, November 4, 2019

My mother tongue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

My mother tongue - Essay Example to learn that one’s native dialect forms a foundation for understanding other languages, but it is also difficult communicate when outside the cultural setting within which it is normally spoken. What’s more, I strongly believe that our cultures, family members, and peers influenced our mother tongue most. My mother tongue is Chinese. Regardless of the language I speak presently, I have spoken Chinese for my whole life. As such, I knew Chinese and English are totally different in some ways. For example, in terms of â€Å"Though†, Chinese grammar said you must have a transition â€Å"but† after words like though/although/even though. However, in English, it doesn’t, it’s wrong if we add â€Å"but† in the sentence. Well, my culture influenced me a lot in that way so that when I first came to United States 3 years ago, I kept making this mistake. Additionally, Chinese culture has one tense, what we did is just simply add a time period before sentence started. For instance, when we want to talk about something in the past, we just add â€Å"in the past† before the whole statement, followed by a comma, making all the succeeding words to be in the past tense. If we need to end that past tense, we simply add another transition word. However, in Engli sh, I came to learn that sentences could not be outlined like that. Instead, we should use past tense when talking about something in the past and use the future tense when something is about in the future. To that effect, my Chinese culture has influenced my grammar so much that I sometimes keep making mistakes when differentiating tenses. These examples show that, even though all languages are supposed to make communication between people easy, they can differ based on the cultural environments where they are used. My family and peers were the primary influence to my mother tongue as I grew up. As far as I remember, People who live in Zhejiang Province like me, find it hard to pronounce the letter â€Å"R† in Chinese

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Police Misconduct Case On Rodney King Assignment

A Police Misconduct Case On Rodney King - Assignment Example In addition, this paper focuses on the negative effects of unethical decision making while evaluating the effects violence caused acts of police brutality. Moreover, this research focuses on various moral and ethical concepts that are utilized in explaining how ethical dilemmas affected decision-making in this incidence. Introduction In the process of enforcing the law, various moral and ethical concepts determine an individual’s decision-making tendency. However, in some cases interpretation of moral and ethical concepts involved poses a challenge hence resulting to poor application of these concepts. Misinterpretation of these concepts introduces various unwanted results in the society. In this study, focus is placed on various moral and ethical concepts involved in the case of Rodney King. Question one Moral and ethical concepts play a crucial role in determining suitable decision-making (Zerbe, Ha?rtel and Ashkanasy, 2008).However, in some cases poor interpretation of the code of ethics results to its violation. For instance, in 1991 some traffic police officers brutally attacked an individual named Rodney king for violating traffic regulation in a Los Angeles suburb. Evidence in this case reveals that police officers used buttons to beat the complainant after the shocks they had used failed to incapacitate the individual. According to the defendants, the use of force was meant to ease the arrest of Rodney King who was drunk at the time he violated the traffic rules (Pollock, 2012). The acquittal of these officers in court worsened this case by causing the eruption of violence in the streets of Los Angeles where a large number of people were injured and property worth a lot of money was destroyed. In this case, a number of ethical dilemmas faced the parties that were involved. First, in the process of law enforcement officers are supposed to abide by the ethical code of conduct. However, in case of danger the officers were required to utilize conside rable force hence protecting themselves from injuries. In the case on Rodney king, the officers faced the dilemma of whether to abide by the code of conduct for the police officers or to protect each other from the probable injuries that might have been caused by Rodney (Kleinig, 2006).According to utilitarian ethics a decision is ethical if it results to a higher number of positive outcomes. In this case, concepts in utilitarian ethics would have required that the police officers to protect themselves from an attack by Rodney. However, virtue ethics requires that an individual’s actions should be judged based on the extent to which they employ suitable characters in decision-making. In this instance, the police officers ought to have employed virtues such as mercy and compassion thus using minimal force in arresting the culprit (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2013).According to virtue ethics the actions taken by police officers in this case were unethical since they showed the use of force for selfish reasons. These selfish reasons may have included punishing individuals of the black American race or relieving stress among the officers. The ethical dilemma posed by the two concepts may have resulted to the violation of Rodney King’s rights. According to Zerbe, Ha?rtel and Ashkanasy (2008), ethical dilemmas in this case also emerged in the courtroom. In the process of determining whether the defendants were guilty or